Sarah Pucill
WED. June 24th, 2009 8pm
Sarah Pucill’s films and photographs explore the mirroring and merging we seek in the Other; a sense of self which is transformative and fluid. Her work is concerned with the idea that as subjects we are not separate and draws together surfaces of inside and outside, the animate and inanimate, probing a journey between mirror and surface.
Her latest production, Fall In Frame, funded by the Arts Council (Spring 08) due to tour at North American venues in 09 (Film Anthology Archives, NY, AIR Gallery NY, MassArt Film Society, Boston, Pleasure Dome, Toronto, Echo Park Film Center+ LA Filmforum LA) explores the materiality of the filmmaking process as part of a young woman’s constrained performance that blurs a distinction between the physical and consciousness.Filmmaker Present!Premiere screening tour of Fall In Frame, (16mm, 18min, 2009)
(All films to be screened on 16mm film)
MassArt Film SocietyFilm Dept. Screening Rm # 1